Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wednesday Update (8/22)

Just wanted to write a quick post and let you know Mike is continuing to improve. He is home now and resting. Pray that he takes it easy and rests. We still don't know about the heart appointment.

We went to see Mike and Becky last night at their house and he really seemed to be doing good. One of the doctors had given him an article to read about a rodeo star who had a stroke and ended up making a full recovery. They did the same procedure on his heart that is planned for Mike's. Mike was very encouraged by the story and seems to be thinking more positively, which I think is crucial to his recovery.

Mike won't be allowed to drive or work for a few months, so that will really be hard on he and Becky. As I said before, thanks so much for your prayers and support. I'll keep you updated.

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