Thursday, August 16, 2007

Thursday night update (8/16)

The Internist came in and talked with us for a while tonight. He is trying to regulate the medicines so that Mike's blood won't clot again, which will prevent another stroke. The doctors seem confident that this stroke episode is over and now the job is to prevent another one. After they regulate the meds to prevent the clotting, they will proceed with the heart surgery.

Once again bear with my spelling and terminology as I stumble through this. Right now, they've got him on Plavix and Aspirin to keep the blood thin. They plan on starting shots of Lovinox tomorrow to jump start the anti-coagulation and then he'll start Coumadin (pills) to continue this treatment. They will monitor his blood daily and regulate the dosage accordingly.

The next step leading to the heart surgery is to determine which cardiologists to work with. Once we decide that, we will use the doctor's connections in either Dallas or Houston to secure a referral. Once we get the referral, we're hoping for a direct transfer from Hendrick. However, this will depend on scheduling and it could be a few weeks. They will keep Mike at Hendrick until next week to continue monitoring him and to begin rehab.

Mike has been very very good today. He's speaking in full sentences and even walked with hardly any assistance this evening. It appears that his biggest obstacle will be regaining the use of his right hand. He gets easily frustrated, causing him to just give up and use his left hand.
Hopefully, OT and PT will keep him motivated and give me some exercises to do daily.

It's been a good day that has provided some answers. Please pray for us as we progress to the next stage and get more stuff scheduled.
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