Monday, August 27, 2007

Monday update (8/27) on Mike

I've only got a minute to update you, so here goes. Mike has been hurting from that toothache. I think mom told me that he has a dentist appointment this week, maybe the dentist will help him with the pain. His initial consultation and exam for his heart surgery is Thursday at Baylor in Dallas. We should be able to schedule the surgery at that time, we expect it to be in the next few weeks, we hope anyway. This process has been slow and frustrating, so I'll just leave it at "we hope."

Thanks to those of you who offered suggestions on physical therapy. It appears that we found a great option. HSU has a PT school that is among the best in Texas. I talked to a faculty member who was more than willing to work with Mike along with some students. It's possible that Mike will be in the classroom setting during some of this, but after talking to him, he is more than will to do so. This would be a great opportunity for the students and an answer to prayer for Mike. Thanks to all of you for your prayers on this matter. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, it's possible that we may be able to get Mike some speech therapy as well through similar resources. I'll let you know what I find out about that soon.

Pray for Becky (Mike's wife) as she starts back at work today. I know she is carrying a heavy load with all of this. Pray that the Lord sustains her as she works so hard to take care of Mike and the boys while working full-time. Also, pray for Mom and Dad too. They have been doing as much as they can to help keep Mike and Becky on their feet. Dad's helping with Mike's business a lot and getting food and groceries at times. Mom is helping with the kids and medical junk that is so hard to understand sometimes. It's like each of them have taken on an additional full-time job taking care of things, I know that it's draining them. We have tried to distribute the burden as much as possible, but as school has started, I've been forced to concentrate most of my time there and that means more work for everyone else. Pray that we can concentrate on things that really matter. A situation like this sure makes you look at your life and your priorities and man, I've been cleaning out the attic if you know what I mean.

Nicholas' birthday was this weekend, he turned 2. It was a lot of fun getting together yesterday and hanging out with the family. Nicholas had tons of fun opening gifts and, as usual, one of the boxes became a favorite gift! Anthony starts school today too, so be sure and remember him. This also means more running around town as we try to get him to school and home. I gotta go.

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