Baylor Medical Complex is huge and it was cool to see the facility. The heart wing had tons of

The only other thing we really found out was that the doctor seemed to be interested in Mike's tobacco use. Mike has dipped for a couple of years on and off, but his habit had definitely peaked when he had the stroke. We were all confused by the doctors hunch, and still are, frankly. However, he's a doctor and we'll trust him until we find reason not to. We also have to

At this point, we hope to concentrate on the rehab. He's scheduled to go to PT next week at HSU where they will hopefully get a chance to work on his speech too. We are so thankful for this opportunity at HSU, it makes our combined $90,000 in loans worth it! - In a weird depressing way.
On our way home, we stopped by Pappadeaux's for lunch. Me and Mike had alligator as an appetizer and mom just about left the table. It was fried and hardly identifiable, as a lot fried seafood is, of course she hates looking at shrimp too so I guess we should have expected it. The alligator was pretty good, for the record. Oh wait, I almost forgot, mom said that we might as well have eaten a human because alligators eat people and we were eating alligator, that thought made it all the more tasty. I was going to tell mom that crocodiles were more likely to eat people,
Mom has been very supportive and tries her best to understand what these doctors are telling us. She's our only hope when it comes to understanding this stuff, well, she and Amber my sister-in-law in NYC. I"ve been impressed with mom's skills in a family crisis like this. She's done a great job of taking care of things behind the scenes, with hardly any recognition, she's a great mom...running and alligators aside.
Becky has also been working hard to keep Mike going. She's been calling doctors and setting up appointments, handling insurance and Mike's business, and taking care of the house and kids. There's no doubt she could use a break, I was worn out by a partial day with a 2-year old!
Mike is doing better. His spirits are up and he's ready to get some answers and treatment. He hasn't reverted to any of those bad habits that the doctors tell him to stay away from, except maybe rooting for the Mavericks. (They're a basketball team, for those of you who don't know them. I've never heard of them either, Go Spurs Go!) Though anxiety and fear have become a bit of commonplace for him lately, he's realizing that his life is forever changed and he's willing and ready to make those changes and live life.
Tonight, I pray especially for Becky and all the pressures that are on her. I was talking with a friend from work who had a spouse with a similar ailment that required a significant recovery time. Without even knowing Becky, my friend told me to support her as much as you are supporting Mike. My friend said that many people forget to check on the spouse during a time like this. That was good advice. If any of you have ideas on how to support Becky, drop me an email, or better yet give her a call and encourage her.
Well, I'm exhausted once again and I'm sure I forgot some details and failed to make sense most of the time, but it's late and I'm tired. Post me a comment and I'll clarify any of this. Thanks for reading, this was a long one.